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100000-150000元 广州天河区 10年以上 本科
  • 五险一金
斯依兹人才顾问(广州)有限公司 2024-08-30 12:47:09
100000-150000元 广州天河区 10年以上 本科
  • 五险一金
斯依兹人才顾问(广州)有限公司 2024-08-30 12:47:09
【The Company 公司简介】 Multinational Technology Organization dedicated to harnessing the power of Big Data & AIto transform industries and solve complex challenges. 跨国科技公司积极探索大数据和人工智能的潜力,推动创新与变更,助力行业快速发展。 【The Career 工作职责】 1. Develop and implement the company's marketing strategy to drive brand awareness and revenue growth. 制定并执行一整套营销策略以提高品牌知名度并增加收入 2. Provide visionary leadership to the marketing team, fostering innovation and creativity. 引领市场团队展望未来,培养创新意识和创造力。 3. Establish and reinforce the company's brand identity as a leader in Big Data & AI technology. 塑造并强化企业在大数据和人工智能领域的领导地位。 4. Develop and maintain consistent brand messaging and positioning across all channels. 确保各渠道品牌信息的一致性和定位的统一性。 5. Create and execute integrated marketing campaigns to generate leads and drive sales. 规划和执行一体化营销策略,以吸引潜在消费者并推动产品销售。 6. Work closely with sales teams to align marketing efforts with revenue targets. 与销售团队紧密合作,保证营销策略和行动与企业的收入目标保持完全一致。 7. Develop a content strategy that positions the organization as a thought leader in big data & AI. 制定企业作为大数据和人工智能领域思想领导者的内容策略。 8. Produce high-quality, informative content, including whitepapers, articles, and webinars. 制作高质量、有大量信息的白皮书、文章和网络研讨会等内容。 9. Oversee digital marketing efforts, including SEO, SEM, email marketing, and social media. 监督SEO、SEM、电子邮件营销方案以及社交媒体平台等数字营销运作。 10. Optimize the company's online presence to drive website traffic and engagement. 提升企业网络形象,增加网站流量和用户参与度 11. Collaborate with product teams to develop and launch new Big Data & AI products and solutions. 与产品团队紧密合作,共同研发并推出全新的大数据和人工智能产品及解决方案。 12. Create compelling product messaging and collateral. 制定引人入胜的产品信息以及宣传。 13. Conduct market research to identify trends, customer needs, and competitive insights. 开展市场研究,以发现市场动态、消费者需求和竞争情报。 14. Use data-driven insights to inform marketing strategies and decision-making. 利用以数据为导向的洞察力来为营销策略和决策提供依据。 15. Manage the marketing budget, optimizing expenditures for maximum ROI. 管理营销预算,合理调配开支以实现最大的投资回报率。 16. Measure and report on marketing performance and KPIs. 评估并通报市场营销的业绩与关键业绩指标(KPI)。 【The Requirement 职位要求】 1. Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Business, or a related field (MBA preferred). 具有本科以上学历,主修市场营销、商务或相关专业,具备MBA学位者优先考虑。 2. Proven experience as a CMO or in a similar senior marketing leadership role within the technology industry. 曾在科技企业担任首席市场官或类似高级营销领导职务的经历 3. With over 10 years of relevant marketing experience. 拥有10年以上相关市场的工作经验 4. Deep understanding of Big Data & AI technology and its applications. 对大数据和人工智能技术与运用有深入理解。 5. Strong strategic thinking, analytical, and problem-solving skills. 具有出色的战略思维以及高效的问题分析与解决能力。 6. Exceptional communication and interpersonal abilities. 拥有出色的沟通技巧和卓越的人际关系处理能力。 7. Demonstrated ability to build and lead high-performing marketing teams. 掌握创建并领导高效营销团队的技能。 8. Experience with B2B marketing, SaaS, or big data & AI-related marketing is a plus. 具备B2B营销、SaaS或大数据和人工智能相关营销经验者优先。 NOTICE: Please provide profile in English and Chinese. 请提供您的中英文简历。
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