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Marketing Manager - 市场经理(美容行业)
30000-45000元 上海徐汇区 应届毕业生 本科
斯依兹人才顾问(广州)有限公司 2024-09-18 23:11:50
Marketing Manager - 市场经理(美容行业)
30000-45000元 上海徐汇区 应届毕业生 本科
斯依兹人才顾问(广州)有限公司 2024-09-18 23:11:50
The Company 公司简介: A renowned companies in the beauty industry in China, known for its prominent beauty brands. The company is famous for its innovation, high quality, and diverse product offerings and holds a significant market share and possesses strong brand influence. 一个在中国美妆行业的知名企业,以其旗下的美妆品牌享誉业内外,凭借着创新、高品质和多元化的产品而闻名并且拥有广阔的市场份额和强大的品牌影响力。 The Responsibilities 工作职责: 1.Trend Analysis and Market Research: Conduct effective trend analysis and market research based on brand positioning and industry trends. Have a keen judgment on consumer pain points, needs, and emotional trends. 趋势分析与市场调研:根据品牌定位和行业趋势,有效进行趋势分析和市场调研。对消费者的痛点、需求和情绪趋势有敏锐的判断力。 2.Creative Product Conceptualization: Propose creatively appealing product concepts based on trend analysis, define product directions for target user groups, and develop comprehensive plans for product launches and promotions. 创意产品概念化:根据趋势分析,提出创意吸引力的产品概念,定义针对目标用户群体的产品方向,并制定产品上市和推广的整体计划。 3.Product Lifecycle Management: Have knowledge of product lifecycle management. Have practical experience in formulating marketing communication strategies and product iteration directions at different stages of creating major products. 产品生命周期管理:具备产品生命周期管理的认知。在打造大单品的不同阶段,具有制定营销传播策略和产品迭代方向的实践经验。 4.Market Communication Strategy: Develop market communication strategies and product iteration directions, especially at different stages of major product development. 市场传播策略:制定市场传播策略和产品迭代方向,尤其是在大单品开发的不同阶段。 5.Product Development Practical Experience: Have practical experience in formulating market communication strategies and product iteration directions during the creation of major products. 产品开发实践经验:在打造大单品的实践中,具有制定市场传播策略和产品迭代方向的实践经验。 The Requirements 职位要求: 1.Bachelor's Degree or Above: Possess a bachelor's degree or higher, with a strong sense of fashion aesthetics. 本科或以上学历:拥有本科或以上学历,具备较强的时尚审美观。 2.Successful Practical Experience in Major Product Planning and Market Communication: Have successful practical experience and personal insights in major product planning and market communication. 在大单品产品策划和市场传播方面有成功的实践经验和个人思考。 3.Strong Creative Ability: Possess strong creative abilities. 具备较强的创意能力。 4.Experience in the Beauty Industry Preferred: Prior experience in the beauty industry is preferred. 美容行业优先。 5.Understanding of Beauty Products Preferred: Candidates with some understanding of beauty products are preferred. 对美妆产品有一定了解者优先考虑。 NOTICE: Please provide profile in English and Chinese. 请提供您的中英文简历。
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